zaterdag 18 mei 2013

THC HackSuite Dominator 0.5

The FyreByte bloodline has come to an end, 0.4.7 was the last release in the 0.4 family. I'm now working on 0.5, this will be a kickass version with loads of new features and useless stuff will be dropped.

If you liked you're going to love 0.5 as it will have a similar layout and offers the same amount of jquery magic.

With the release of THC Dominator you will also find a new site @

Q: Will there be new modules?
A: None are planned, this release is more about adding new features and a better layout

Q: What will be dropped?
A: So far I will surely drop the FAQ section

Q: When will the old versions be available again?
A: The new site will host all the latest versions of every bloodline

Q: When will it be released?
A: I'm working on this alone, so it might take some time, I have no idea when, what or how. Stay tuned on this page, my facebook page and the hacksuite site itself

Cheers and happy hacking!

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